sábado, 21 de junio de 2008

The end of the first week

On Thursday we were walking around cliffs with lovely views.

Some students got very good luck in this afternoon journey.

Here we were in the top of the hill with Collegue's pet called Charlie. Parents don't worry about your son or daughter if you don't see them in these pictures. May be they don't want to be taken in photos, but all of them are Ok.

On Friday we went to a beautiful beach where students were playing with students from other towns.
All of them participated in the competition, indeed Gines. You can see him showing his skills and efforts to win.Obviously teachers were always touching "the balls".

1 comentario:

Cristina dijo...

Eso de touching the balls no es muy británico que yo recuerde, pero estáis muy, muy guapos!!!! Os echo mucho de menos. Besos